Absolutely awesome game.
I love the pawprints too. I don't have enough time to get them all though. XP Lol. Or the will. <,<; I was one life away from being able to get the first pawprint. I actually intentionally kept doing some levels just to keep them alive. And I passed a lot of the levels where it SEEMS to be impossible to pass without losing a life, but passed it anyway. Like the level for instance where you hit the switch and the boulders start coming down on top of you - you're in between a dozen rocks and a huge spikey cave. All you have to do is jump out and land on the rocks as they glide underneath you. If I remember correctly, I lost no lives on that one. :)
I knew you were going to do something like that with the ending; although I actually figured you were going to have them ALL commit seppuku after finding out that Paradise Meadows had been deforested also. X) Lol. So you kind of surprised me. ;P Although I was extremely pleased with the way you did this. Whether intentionally or uninentionally, it sends a perfect message about deforestation and animals trying to find a new place to live - whether they adapt to their present surroundings or move somewhere else.
10/10 - 5/5. 20/10 - 10/5, if I could. I would appreciate if you made a sequel, as the person below me said, that actually had a semi-happy ending though. One where they started off at Paradise Meadows (with maybe 25 animals left, like it's possible to end with). Maybe you could even go in a different direction with this one and make it, instead of a platformer, more of an RPG. As though trying to adapt to that surrounding rather than finding a place to call home.
Either way, it's actually yours, so you get to call the shots, ultimately. :)
If you do make a sequel, please tell me. ;P I look forward to it. ^,^